The statement below was intiated by activists in the University and College Union (UCU) [picture above of UCU NEC holding up messages of solidarity]
If you are working in higher or further education and would like to connect with other activists working in solidarity with the #Strike4Youth and #Strike4Climate campaigns please email strike4climateucu@gmail.com.
You can also sign up for further updates on future actions here.
More on trade union solidarity
We offer our support and solidarity to all those students who walked out to demand action on climate change on 15 February. The inspirational actions of Greta Thunberg and the young people who are fighting against this threat to the planet are a lesson to us all. We pledge to work alongside students and teachers in schools, colleges and universities to mobilise solidarity for the strikes, and call for a day of action across HE and FE on 15 March 2019.
Geoff Abbott, Newcastle University, UCU, Northern Region HE Sector Chair
Ruth Abbott, University of Cambridge, UCU, Rep and Caseworker
Sue Abbott , Newcastle University , UCU , NEC Women
Mark Abel, University of Brighton , UCU , Branch chair & NEC
George Adamson, King's College London, UCU,
Lorraine Agu, Leeds Beckett University, UCU,
Anne Alexander, Cambridge , Option 1, Member
Jules Allen, University of Cambridge, UCU,
James Angel, King's College London, UCU,
Isabelle Anguelovski, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
Judith Anstee, Lancaster University, UCU,
Scott Archer-Nicholls, University of Camrbidge, UCU, Member
Pura Ariza, Manchester Met, UCU, NEC
Lara Atkin, Goldsmith's , UCU,
Hugues Azérad, Cambridge University, UCU,
Ian Bailey, Lancaster University, UCU,
Avik Banerjee, Plymouth Marjon University, UCU, Secretary and Equality Officer, South West Regional Executive Committee, University College Union (UCU), Post Graduate Representative, University College Union (UCU), Plymouth Marjon University Branch.
Sunil Banga, Lancaster University, UCU, Treasurer and Pensions Officer
Andrew Baron, Uclan, UCU, Branch officer
Mike Barton, New City College Redbridge, UCU, Branch secretary
Miranda Barty-Taylor, Lancaster University, UCU,
Simon Beard, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Teresa Belton, East Anglia, ,
Giovanni Bettini, Lancaster University, UCU,
Gargi Bhattacharyya, UEL, UCU, Branch chair
Rosalba Biasini , University of Liverpool , UCU, Committee member
Pete Bicknell, Lewisham & Southwark Colleges, UCU, Membership Secretary
Polly Blaikie, Cardiff University, UCU,
Vicky Blake, University of Leeds, UCU, UCU National Executive Committee / Branch President Leeds Uni UCU
Steffan Blayney, University of Sheffield, UCU, branch committee
Cecily Blyther, Petroc, UCU, National Representative of Casualised Workers in FE
Alastair Bonnett, Newcastle University, UCU,
Lina Brand Correa, University of Leeds, UCU, Research Fellow
Teresa Brayshaw, Leeds Beckett university, ucu,
Jeremy Brice, LSE, UCU,
Andrea Brock, University of Sussex, UCU,
William Brown, Open University, UCU,
Tony Brown, UCL, UCU, Branch secretary
Mandy Brown , Lambeth College/ South Bank Colleges, UCU, NEC
Peta Bulmer, University of Liverpool, UCU, Member of branch committee
Grant Buttars, University of Edinburgh , UCU, Hon President
Colin Byelong, UCL, UCU, Rep
Rob Byrne, University of Sussex, UCU, None
Marian Carty, Goldsmiths , UCU, President Goldsmiths UCU
Elizabeth Chadwick, Cardiff University, UCU,
Lynne Chamberlain, Greenwich and Bexley TUC, UCU, Secretary
Heinzlef Charlotte, AVIGNON University , France ,
Nigel Clark, Lancaster University , UCU,
Linda Clarke, University of Westminster, UCU, Green Rep
Angharad Closs Stephens, Swansea University, UCU,
Sandra Cortijo, Cambridge University, UCU, Anti-casualisation officer
Emily Cox, Cardiff University, UCU,
James Cranch, University of Sheffield, UCU,
Hannah Cross, University of Westminster, Ucu, Rep
Ian Crosson, Tower Hamlets College, UCU, Member sec - Poplar branch
Steve Cushion, London Retired Members, UCU, Branch Secretary
James Cussens, University of York, UCU, Branch secretary
Gareth Dale, Brunel University, UCU,
Maire Daley , College , UCU, Retired
Emma Davenport, London Metropolitan University, UCU,
Ben Davies, University of Portsmouth, UCU,
Ruth Day, University of Bristol, IWW,
Isabelle Detheridge, University of Birmingham, ,
Elio Di Muccio, University of Birmingham , UCU, Branch Secretary
Stefanie Doebler, University of Liverpool, UCU,
Jeannie Donald-McKim,, Abingdon and Witney College, UCU, Chair
Rosaleen Duffy, University of Sheffield, UCU,
Claire Duncanson, University of Edinburgh , Ucu ,
Dr Peter Dwyer , Ruskin College Oxford , UCU , Branch Executive
James Eaden, Chesterfield College (Retired), UCU, President Chesterfield and District Trades Union Council
Elisabeth El Refaie, Cardiff University, UCU,
Martin Empson, N/A, Campaign Against Climate Change trade union group, Treasurer
Mike Eslea, UCLan, UCU, Asst Sec
Nick Evans, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Angela Everitt, Open University, UCU,
Domhnall Finch, University of Sussex, ,
Jennifer Fleetwood, Goldsmiths, University of London,
Samantha Fletcher, Manchester Metropolitan University, UCU,
Alistair Ford, Newcastle University, UCU,
Des Freedman, Goldsmiths, University of London, UCU, Vice President
Scarlet Fry, Somerset University , N/a, N/a
Mariana Galante, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Charlie Gardner, University of Kent, UCU,
Emma Garnett, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Sarah Gartland, University of Roehampton, UCU,
Dr Natalia Geodetti, Leeds Beckett University, UCU,
Tom Gillespie, University of Manchester, UCU,
Sally Godber,
Patrick Gougler, London IWW,
Jo Grady, University of Sheffield, UCU,
Peter Griffin, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UCU,
Julia Guarneri, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UCU,
William Hale, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Nick Hardy, UCU, Pensions Officer, University of Birmingham UCU
Andy Harrod, Lancaster University, UCU,
Steven Harry, King's College London , UCU,
Julie Hearn, Lancaster University, UCU, UCU NEC & Lancaster UCU Equality Officer
Emily Heath, Lancaster University, UCU, Green Rep
Elane Heffernan, UCU
Bruce Heil, Open University, UCU, Branch Exec
Marion Hersh, Universirty of Glasgow, UCU,
Margot Hill, Croydon College, UCU, Branch Sec
Elaine Hill, UCLan, UCU, Green Rep and membership secretary
Sian Hindle, Birmingham City University, UCU, School of Jewellery Rep
Christian Hogsbjerg, University of Brighton, UCU,
Owen Holland, UCL, UCU,
Daniella Holland-Hart, Cardiff, UCU,
Dr Lauren Holt, University of Cambridge, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
Stephen Homewood, Visiting Academic Middlesex University, UCU,
Nick Hopwood, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Peter Hough, Middlesex University, ,
Michael Hrebeniak, Wolfson College Cambridge,
Bee Hughes, Liverpool John Moore's University, UCU,
David Humphreys, Open University, UCU,
Ioanna Ioannou, Ucl, Ucu, NEC
Prof Lisa Isherwood, University of Winchester, ,
Stephen Ison, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Sam James, University of Cambridge, UCU, Branch President, Cambridge UCU
Mike James, Lancaster University, UCU,
Tim Jeeves, Liverpool Hope, UCU,
Bob Jeffery, Sheffield Hallam University, UCU, Anti-Casualisation Officer
Annie Jones, Sheffield Hallam, UCU, Branch Officer
Katy Jones, Cardiff university, UCU, lecturer
Natalie Jones, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UCU,
Kyran Joughin, UAL, UCU, Branch secretary
Alexandre Kabla, Cambridge University, ,
Lesley Kane, Open University, UCU, branch secretary
Daniel Katz, University of Warwick, UCU,
Pamela Kea, University of Sussex, UCU,
Luke Kemp, University of Cambridge, ,
Rhian Keyse, Exeter, UCU, Branch Vice President and Anti Casualisation Officer
Alexander King, University of Bristol, IWW , EUC
Sharon Kivland, Sheffield Hallam University, UCU, UCU branch representative
Laura Kormos, Lancaster University, UCU, Physics Dept Rep
Joanna Kostka , Lancaster University , UCU, Rep for sociology department
Marius Leonhardt, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Simon Lewis, UCL, , Professor
Rhiannon Lockley, Birmingham City University, UCU, NEC
Steve, Lui, Huddersfield University, UCU, NEC
Anne Luke, University of Leeds, UCU,
Robert Macfarlane, Cambridge University, UCU,
Martin Mahony, UEA, UCU,
Nils Markusson, Lancaster University, UCU, Vice President
Sam Marsh, University of Sheffield, UCU, Branch President
Mo Mason
Anne Massey, London Metropolitan University, ucu,
Sue Matthews, , Royal College of Nursing,
Steph Mawson, University of Cambridge, UCU, Membership Officer
Marian Mayer , Bournemouth University , UCU, Co-chair and South Region Chair
Marjorie Mayo, Goldsmiths, UCU,
Caterna Mazzilli, University of Sussex, Doctoral Tutor,
Maddy McCarthy, University of Bristol, ,
Mel McCree, Bath Spa University, UCU,
Richard Mcewan, New City College, UCU, Branch secretary poplar
Cheryl McEwan, Durham University, UCU,
Sandra McLeod, , NEU,
Jo McNeill, University of Liverpool , UCU , President University of Liverpool UCU & NEC
Jess Meacham, Sheffield, UCU,
Tom Meadowcroft, , Bristol IWW, Comms Officer
Renata Medeiros Mirra, Cardiff University, UCU, Ati-casualisation officer
Laura Miles, Bradford College - retired, UCU, Trustee / NEC
Miriam Miller, University of Sheffield , UCU, Branch committee member
J, Miller Cambridge University, UCU,
Douglas Mitchell, Retired, UCU, Life member
Iris Moeller, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Patrick Montague, Lancaster University, UCU,
Sam Morecroft, University of Sheffield , UCU, UCU Yorks and Humber Executive
Carlo Morelli, Dundee, UCU, NEC
Monica Moreno Figueroa, University of Cambridge, UCU Cambridge,
Dr Monica Mottin, Ruskin College, Oxford, UCU, Branch executive
Dave Muritu, Sandwell College , UCU , Branch Secretary and NEC
Thomas Murray, Retired, UCU, chair RMMB S West
Aya Nassar, University of sussex, ,
Peter Newell, University of Sussex, UCU,
Fergus Nicol, London Met, UCU, Treasurer
Aisling O'Beirn, Ulster University, UCU,
Natalie Olivadoti, The Open University, UCU, Casework Coordinator & Ordinary member of the branch Executive
Stuart Oliver, St Mary's University, UCU, Branch sec/ London region chair
Carol Osborne, Leeds Beckett University , ,
Helen Pallett, University of East Anglia, UCU
Simon Parker, University of York, UCU, Departmental Rep and former President
Greg Peakin, Retired, UCU,
Guillermo Perez Algorta, Lancaster University, UCU, Member
Rocio Pérez-Barrales, University of Portsmouth, , Senior Lecturer
Kate Peters, Murray Edwards College Cambridge, UCU,
Jacob Phelps, Lancaster University, UCU, Membership Officer
Romayne Phoenix, UNITE,
Simon Pirani, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, NUJ, Life member
Annemarie Piso, Leeds Beckett, UCU, Joint branch secretary
Marco Pomati, Cardiff University, UCU,
Sam Popowich, University of Alberta, AASUA,
Professor Megan Povey, University of Leeds, Ucu, Committee
Kit Power, The Open University, UCU, Branch VP
Tim Pringle, Soas, University of London, UCU, Rep
Ellen Quigley, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UCU,
Marina Rabadan , University of Liverpool , UCU , Branch committee member
Martin Ralph, Liverpool uni, UCU, UCU commitee Liverpool ui
Dr Melanie Richter-Montpetit, University of Sussex, UCU,
Kate Rigby, Bath Spa University , UCU,
Peter Robbins, Open University, UCU,
Julia Roberts, Lambeth College , UCU, Joint Branch Secretary
James Robinson, Lancaster University, Lancaster,
Pip Roddis, University of Leeds, UCU,
Maria Rovisco, University of Leeds, UCU,
Camilla Royle, King's College London, UCU,
Sarah Royston, University of Sussex, ,
J Sanders, Cambridge, UCU, Executive committee
Nita Sanghera, SCCB Bournville , UCU, Vice President
Kate Sapin, The University of Manchester, uCU,
Andrew Sayer, Lancaster University, University and College Union
Daniel Schillereff, KCL, UCU,
Simon Schoenbuchner, Cambridge, UCU,
Jason Scott-Warren, University of Cambridge, UCU,
Oliver Simpson, Lancaster university, UCU,
Roddy Slorach, Imperial College London , UCU, Branch organiser
Catherine Smith, Home Educating, ,
Cathy Smith, Home Educator, ,
David Somervell, University of Edinburgh, UCU,
Bryony Spooner, Cardiff University, ,
Sam Staddon, University of Edinburgh, Ucu,
Steven Stanley, Cardiff University, UCU, Ordinary Member, Executive Committee
Tony Staunton, Plymouth University, UCU, None
Helen Steward, University of Leeds, UCU,
Nigel Stewart, Lancaster University, UCU, Senior Lecturer in Dance and Theatre
Peter Strachab, Robert Gordon University , EIS,
Tara Styles-Lightowlers University of Central Lancashire , UCU,
Michael Szpakowski, Writtle University College, UCU, Branch Chair
Harriet Thew, University of Leeds, UCU,
David Thomas, Birkbeck College, UCU,
Vijay Tymms, Imperial College London, UCU, Elected departmental representative
Johnny Unger, Lancaster University, UCU, Branch President
Professor Martin Upchurch, Middlesex University, UCU,
Karlien van den Beukel, London South Bank University, UCU,
Gwen Vickers, NCC Redbridge, UCU, Equaities and anti-casualisation rep
Yara Vrolijks, KCL, ,
John Wadsworth, Goldsmiths, UCU,
Maria-Theresia Walach, Lancaster University, UCU,
Dr Naomi Waltham-Smith, University of Warwick, UCU,
Ellisif Wasmuth, University of Essex, UCU,
Emilia Weber, UCL, UCU,
Saira Weiner, LJMU, UCU, Branch Secretary
Susan Westman, Goldsmiths , UCU, branch exec
Paul Wetherly, Leeds Beckett University, UCU,
David Whitebread, Homerton College, University of Cambridge,
Donna Winks
Louise Wise, University of Sussex, UCU,
Graham Wroe, Sheffield College, UCU, Rep
Waseem Yaqoob, University of Cambridge, Cambridge UCU, Branch Secretary
Andy Yuille, Lancaster University, UCU,