Climate jobs
Campaign against Climate Change: Climate Jobs: Building a workforce for the climate emergency. Find out more about how climate jobs could bring about a just transition to a low-carbon economy, and what it would mean for our society and our climate, in this report by our trade union group. Free to download, or order hard copies.
Mini-flyers for the climate jobs book - version here that you can print out at home, but we also have some ready printed.
Campaign against Climate Change: A brief report on Climate Jobs in Cumbria relating to the campaign against the proposed Whitehaven coal mine
NEW - briefing on carbon capture and green hydrogen
Contact to order flyers. These are free (but for larger orders donations to cost of printing & postage are appreciated)
'Time for Change' - flyer calling on the new Labour government to take action
Brief flyers on why we need climate jobs not new oil and gas
Greenwashing fossil fuels with carbon capture, hydrogen and biomass
Why workers should oppose aviation expansion - (updated version)
Flyer about the right to strike and links to climate campaigning
Leaflet about trade union affiliation to the Campaign against Climate Change
Mini flyers (A7) advertising climate jobs books
Placard posters
Availability varies, but get in touch if you'd like some for local protests (provided at cost price plus postage)
New placard poster to download
Available as a pdf file or jpg file - or request as above